Welcome to semi's little Web space.
This site will likely contain nothing for a while, as I learn and try to build a habit.
Check out some of my previous work on Artstation and Wordpress.
Here's where I should add an image, but since I didn't, shoutouts:
Topics on this site should optimistically include:
- Art I've made.
- Projects I'm working on and will never finish. All yours. 🥲
- Software? I don't fuckin' know man, I need to get back on my meds lol.
- Virtual reality & technology musings, reviews, etc.
- Resonite... links...? Idk how that shit works yet, but I do like Resonite, and if you're a nerd with VR you should too.
- [List additional item here.]
When my lazy ass is ready to learn more CSS/HTML, I could check out these tutorials!